CS 1301 Lab 1

100 Points

Attendance at the lab session on Thursday, Aug 21, is worth 20 points. It is recorded separately from the lab grade.

This is an individual lab. Every student is expected to do all the activities by themselves.

Educational goals of this lab - verify that every student can


Log onto a computer with your University userid. If you can't do this because you haven't activated your University account yet, tell your instructor. You MUST activate your University account as soon as possible!

  1. (20 points) Problem #1: Email your instructor

  2. (20 points) Problem #2: Getting a program up and running

  3. (40 points) Problem #3: Playing with the program

    Now you are going to experiment with the program given in Problem #2. In each of the cases below, make the change and run the program. If it runs alright (without errors or warnings), your answer is "runs ok". If it doesn't run alright, write down the error message that jGRASP gives, including the line number that it indicates the error or warning is on. Then change the program back to its original form before performing the next change. Use an editor like Notepad to put the answers for this problem in a file "answers-Lab1.txt". Submit this file when you are finished using the link at the bottom of the page.

    1. Take out just the symbol / at the start of the first line of the file.
    2. Take out just the symbol ; on the assignment statement String name = user_input.next(); // get user's name
    3. Replace print with println from System.out.print("The length of the hypotenuse is: "); // output/print message and report the errors OR difference in output from the original.
    4. Drop the [] from String argv[].

    When you are finished with this lab, you should have:

    Submit your files with this link. Your class is CS1301, you are submitting a lab, section C, code. Use 1 menu choice from which lab or assignment

    Log off properly - you don't want your account misused by someone else!

    Remember NOT to leave files on the local hard drives in this lab or anywhere else on campus! Make sure you save your projects on a portable storage device you take with you!

      Submission Deadlines:

      Email sent by Thursday, August 21, midnight
      Submission of triangle.java program and answers to questions due by Friday, August 22, midnight.